Sunday, 12 June 2011

The structure of the Tropical Rainforest

The tropical Rainforest is made up of four set layers, these are the Emergent, Upper Canopy, Understory and Forest Floor.

The Emergent
The Emergent is the highest layer of the Rainforest. These trees are spaced wide apart and are 100-240ft tall. They have umbrella-shaped canopies that grow above the forest. The trees have straight, smooth trunks with few branches. The branches then have small, pointed leaves because they are exposed to drying wind. The trees in this layer have a shallow root system although have buttresses to support their size, which spread to a distance of 30ft.

The Upper Canopy
The Upper Canopy comes next after the Emergent. The trees are 60-130ft tall. This allows light to be easily reached at the top of this layer, but reduces light below. Most of the Rainforest animals live in this layer because there is lots of food available. The leaves have 'drip tips', that allow the rain to run off. This keeps them dry and prevents mold and mildew, from forming in the humid enviroment. 

The Understory
The Understory comes next and is also knows and the Lower Canopy. The trees are 60ft tall. The layer is made up of Upper Canopy trunks, shrubs, plants and small trees. There is little air movement and because of this, the humidity is constantly high. Also this layer is in constant shade. 

Shrub Layer/ Forest Floor
The shrub layer and forest floor are very dark and usually completely shaded. As a result of this, very few bushes or herbs can grow there. Less than 1% of light that strikes the top of the Rainforest, reaches the forest floor. The top soil is very thin and poor quality. Also lots of litter falls to the ground, where it is quickly broken down by decomposers like termites and Fungi. The heat and Humidity, also help to break down the litter. This organic matter is then quickly absorbed by shallow tree roots.

The reason the trees grow in this way, is because when the Rainforests were first starting to grow, it became apparent that they grow best in the damp and heat. As a result of this, they 
structure was formed because all the plants are reaching for the sunlight. That is the reason, the plants at the bottom are very small whereas the plants at the top are very tall. 

The structure of the Tropical Rainforest

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